The following is a poem I wrote after meeting yesterday with my good friend Kurt Mahler. After having such a good talk concerning the things God is doing in our life, I began to hunger again for the fruit of all that we've sown, the fruit that I've thus seen only through dreams, pictures in the night and internal knowings.
This hungering opens a place in my heart that can hurt so bad that it causes me to stop and miss all that God has for me today. In the past, this hunger has incapacitated me in such a way that I return to the altar of sacrifice time and time again and offer up my hunger to the only one who can fill it. Though I've not yet seen the fulfillment of the promise or the satisfaction my soul longs for, still I will trust the only one who is trustworthy.
As I searched my heart in the midst of this pain, the following are the words that arose...
When will I arise? When will I wake? When will the visions that I’ve seen take place?
This hungering opens a place in my heart that can hurt so bad that it causes me to stop and miss all that God has for me today. In the past, this hunger has incapacitated me in such a way that I return to the altar of sacrifice time and time again and offer up my hunger to the only one who can fill it. Though I've not yet seen the fulfillment of the promise or the satisfaction my soul longs for, still I will trust the only one who is trustworthy.
As I searched my heart in the midst of this pain, the following are the words that arose...
When will I arise? When will I wake? When will the visions that I’ve seen take place?
It seems I’ve died daily for a thousand years; sown my fair share in the river of tears.
Things that were promised so long ago, in my spirit have never yet ceased to grow.
I’ve plowed the hard ground with blood, sweat and tears; removed large stones of anxiety and fear.
The seed that was planted under pressure quickly died and thus was released the miracle of new life.
In fact the trunk is now quite large and the branches are green, but the wondrous fruit promised is yet to be seen.
Tantalizing glimpses seem to come and to go, of the coming harvest to which the world will soon flow.
Perhaps if it were now, the branch would be not able; to bear that which is coming and will fill many tables.
So a process slowly done is better to be had, than riches quickly gained and lost like a fad.
So be still my soul, learn to enjoy where you’re at, trust that He is good and your fruit will be fat!
Let me know your thoughts!