We know that he was beaten and bruised, but it is his power with which we are now fused.
As Eve was birthed from the rib in Adam’s side, Christ’s Body was birthed on the day that he died.
All that had been lost became a gain, our lives forever changed with him we now reign.
On this earth to serve as ambassadors to be, the representation of Christ, in other words his Body.
Not his body alone, but with his spirit we are filled, thus the authority to reap the harvest in our mission field.
Bringing strength to the weak and rest to the weary, Christ’s love to all in the midst of this life’s journey.
As Christ’s body we have learned many lessons along the way, the name of Jesus for many turns night into day.
The power of his word as always never fails, and when we take time to listen revelation is revealed.
Grace is freely given, never, ever earned. This perhaps is the greatest lesson we could ever learn.
We journey not alone on this life’s path we tread, because it is by His Spirit that each day we are led.
Each time we meet with him our eyes are opened to see, the representation of Christ we are each called to be.
His Body we are, his body we shall be, even as we continue to sojourn on this life’s journey.
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