Monday, June 20, 2011

The Angelic

Master’s of power with sword burning bright
These magical beings guard us day and night.

More times than not, their roles are overlooked
Often we don’t know it was their advice that we took.

In many different ways and on many different days
These chosen ones have intervened to keep destruction at bay.

Necessary and vital to all that we do, they are
These mysterious creatures are the ones that fight for the Lord.

What need must there be to recognize such as these?
For to see if we could, we would be very pleased.

Worry and fear would cease need to live
God chose well when giving charge over us to them He did bid.

If we really believed that these things were true
Then we would fear no more, instead we would push through.

So do not let unbelief begin to cloud your heart
For all we need of faith is that precious little spark.

Then the fire will begin and we will see
That they will be released to do all that we need.

Be it to comfort or fight or even to give wisdom
Or maybe sing a song and increase our vision.

Whatever they may do their roles are dear
And recognize we should and then walk free from fear.

Joel 2:1 - 11

Blow the trumpet in Zion;
Sound the alarm on my holy mountain.
Let all of the people of the land tremble,
for the day of the Lord is at hand.

For the wicked and all Christians who love this world it is a day of darkness and fear, 
A day of clouds and of blackness.
A large and mighty army is coming.
There has never been one like it, nor will there ever be again.

Before this army the fire of the Lord’s love consumes everything and behind them that fire never goes out.
The wealth and prosperity of this world that seemed to be as the garden of Eden, becomes a devastated desert in light of the reality of this army’s eternal treasures.
They will compromise nothing and tolerate no lies.
They have the appearance of an invincible army streaming down the mountain rushing to the battle.
You can hear the roaring of their worship and rejoicing as they hurdle mountainous problems with ease.
Their passionate love for God and each other rages like a fire moving across dry grass as it consumes all religion and dead works like dry stubble.

At the sight of them the evil powers over nations are in anguish.
Every demon and lukewarm Christian’s face turn’s pale because these people know the authority and power of the name and blood of Jesus.
They charge like warriors, completely free from fear and they can scale any wall because they know the strength and might of their God.
They all march in line never swerving from their course, because their actions are synchronized by the Holy Spirit.
They never push each other, because they are free from pride and selfish ambition.
Doubt and unbelief has been completely removed from their hearts.
Each marches straight ahead, their eyes fixed on the Captain of the Hosts.
They shoot through defenses because they know that greater is He who is in them, then he that is in the world.
They never break rank, because each is confident and flowing in the gifting and role the Lord has placed them.
They rush upon whole cities shaking the powers of the air.
They run along walls having nothing hidden from their sight, able to see far, far ahead.
They climb into houses binding the strong man and like thieves they enter windows and plunder the enemies houses, because the Lord is their covering.

Before them the earth shakes and the sky trembles at the power of the Lord’s chosen and anointed ones.
The sun and moon darken and the stars no longer shine at the light of the presence of God made manifest in his people.

The voice of the Lord thunders at the head of His army.
His forces are without number for the hidden ones have been brought to light.
Mighty are those who obey His every Word.
The Day of the Lord is terrible, who can endure it?

Reality Check

Fires of heaven blaze in the night
Where darkness abounds we go shine the light.

Left alone the darkness gets darker and the peoples turn twisted
Demons ride their backs and they don’t even know they’ve been enlisted to do the work of evil.

Left alone the darkness gets darker and the peoples turn twisted
Demons ride their backs and they don’t even know they’ve been enlisted to do the work of evil.

In their own minds they have created a fantasy world
Their reality is based on nothing that is real
Then they try to convince us that they are right
They tell us that the darkness is really light.

But I have met reality and Jesus is his name
When you truly meet him you won’t see things the same.

When truth is revealed what was nice starts to bite
What you thought were flowers in the day
You begin to see were snakes in the night.

I now see things differently than I did before
Reality up close is better than deception from afar
Though Truth was hard and caused my heart to spar
I now see peace instead of war.

Now I can enjoy the wind on my face
Dreams of joy fill my ecstasy embrace

Though sight revealed my wounded heart, now I am healed
I thought I would never experience the freedom I now feel.

I no longer fight and the flowers no longer bite.

A Touch of Mysticism

Abstinence is burning
Desires are yearning
Yet my fasting is turning
the world around me.

Holiness is bringing
Humility teaching
Supernatural releasing
of divine authority.

Fasting’s reward
If it’s not ignored
Will open the doors
of which we’ve only dreamed.

Not religions boring morality
Or the worlds flight from mortality
But instead a spirituality
where fantasy has become reality.

Holiness is the pipeline
To channel that power divine
Opening eyes that are blind
and deaf ears to hear.

It’s a crazy obsession
This divine possession
Or maybe a spiritual lesson
for those with eyes to see.

The Body of Christ

We know that his body was broken, but did you know it was then made strong?

We know that he was beaten and bruised, but it is his power with which we are now fused.

As Eve was birthed from the rib in Adam’s side, Christ’s Body was birthed on the day that he died.

All that had been lost became a gain, our lives forever changed with him we now reign.

On this earth to serve as ambassadors to be, the representation of Christ, in other words his Body.

Not his body alone, but with his spirit we are filled, thus the authority to reap the harvest in our mission field.

Bringing strength to the weak and rest to the weary, Christ’s love to all in the midst of this life’s journey.

As Christ’s body we have learned many lessons along the way, the name of Jesus for many turns night into day.

The power of his word as always never fails, and when we take time to listen revelation is revealed.

Grace is freely given, never, ever earned. This perhaps is the greatest lesson we could ever learn.

We journey not alone on this life’s path we tread, because it is by His Spirit that each day we are led.

Each time we meet with him our eyes are opened to see, the representation of Christ we are each called to be.

His Body we are, his body we shall be, even as we continue to sojourn on this life’s journey.

Dark Night of my Soul

The pain and emptiness of being alone,
Waiting for the fruit of all that I’ve sown.

Pruned beyond recognition my branches are bare,
I’ve been looking at other’s lives and thinking it’s just not fair.

I have worked much harder, been through much greater pain,
But it’s always the others that seem to get all of the fame.

Promises I have been given, visions I have seen,
Revelations at night sneak up on my dreams.

Yet they all seem so far away right now, 
Even my hearing is gone the silence is so loud.

How long must it be that my heart goes unsatisfied?
All the streams I’ve used in the past have dried up and died.

Fleeting thoughts, one moment here the next they are gone,
Enduring my night I am waiting to awaken the dawn.

May it come quickly…

Struggles of a Young Prophet

I live in my own world of fascinations and dreams
Emotions subjective yet they go to the extreme
I thought I was standing up, now I know I am lying down
War cries all around

To lay down is to die, to stand is to try
Yet I fall underneath the wall

It was whitewashed looking pretty
But a bad foundation, now there isn’t any
There was no cornerstone, now I’m left all alone

Where has He gone?  Was He really here?
The Truth I hold dear?

Insanity knocks trying to break the locks
The Three in One made
I’m not insane, yet I lost my take in a black caldron.

Words of knowledge, words of wisdom
The future laid bare
Miracles if you dare
Vanity, vanity, all is vanity

I seek and I try though I never ask why
The burden I’m called to bear

Overwhelming, little birds sounding
All around my head

Depression, suppression, vain hallucinations
Yet God continues to speak

His voice I know
It is His Person I have lacked.

Religion Unmasked

Religion masquerades as our friend
Though we don’t, we should all know it is sin.
Its roots stem from places of pride
All of our weaknesses it seeks to hide.

Particularly at the young spiritual level
Our emotions we think virtuous to embezzle
By calling forth what we see with our eyes
Instead of prying beneath what the surface hides.

It seems so easy to just pretend
That what we see without must be within
But in the end when all is said and done
Our spiritual journey has not even yet begun.

It is our identity we thought we had found
But it was just uneasiness discomforting frown
That we sought to avoid and thus we employed
Formulas and ways to take the place of grace.

There is a deeper way that is far better
Than putting on a smile and giving our best endeavor
It is the way of openness and honesty
Things we keep hidden brought out for others to see.

This is the way that few have dared to tread
It is the way of the walking dead
Dead to the world, but alive to Christ
And thus we inherit a supernatural life.

And what is this life that we should value so
That to give all our possessions we would not say no?
It is life as it exists up above
Peace and serenity like that of a dove.

Supernatural signs and wonders untold
Intriguing mysteries before our eyes unfold
All this and more we will begin to see
When we persevere in upholding honesty’s decree.

Ridding ourselves of religions talon is a good first step
And as we go we will learn to recognize how to bless
Not the flesh without, but the spirit within
And thus the spiritual journey we come to begin.

I think we will be surprised when in the end we see
All that was needed was the virtue of simplicity
All the things we used, all that we thought we would need
Could easily be summed up with love and honesty.

Pushing Into Maturity

Daily we have opportunities to increase in wisdom, but interference’s steadily come to distract us from our mission.

Many forms they take and by deceptions they make, us to believe that we have no needs, whispering that there is no need for urgency.

They come in many different ways to occupy our day, whether work or play as long as from God we stay away.

You see every encounter with Him changes our life, whether visible or not our spirit grows stronger with increase in light.

It is this light before which the darkness cannot stand, to sever this powerhouse the devil will try again and again.

For God’s authority we have been given to bear, to cast down the prince of the air, but if not from us, then the world’s deliverance will come from nowhere.

But if the darkness is successful in blinding our eyes, we may become susceptible to all sorts of lies.

The darkness will get darker and deceptions grow subtler still, like a frog slowly introduced to boiling water, the pain we may not feel.

If we choose not to move, but instead to be still, who knows who it may be next the darkness may choose to kill?

Or through our lack of movement will we continually test our fate, saying that God’s grace is freely available why not wait?

Or if by choice we stand and push though the night, then our light will grow brighter and we will increase with might.

The power of God will then become manifest, because we have chosen to believe his Word and not put him to the test.

The darkness of deception only works when we choose to be still, so let us seek his face and his purposes to fulfill.

With God as the Head and us as the body, the power that will be released will cause History to write a brand new story.

A story about a bride that is without spot or stain, the perfect representation of Christ and to God we will bring fame.

All the nations will see and they will all be glad, when we put on our white garments and with freedom we dance.

And the nations will join with us in singing amazing songs like Holy is the Lamb and Worthy is the Son.

And for all eternity we will continue to grow, but our destiny begins now through what we choose to sow.

We can sow to the flesh and from the flesh reap corruption, or we can sow to the Spirit and from the Spirit reap Holy Ghost unction.

And what we reap begins not just when we die, but through the power that comes on this earth we will fly.

The nations will come running and with joy they will sing, because healing and deliverance the church has come to bring.

The Kingdom of Darkness we will then cause to fall and we will be established as the mountain that is chief above all.

We will be a church without limits, borders or walls. For this is our heritage, our destiny, our call.

11:02 (Eleven O Two)

This poem is actually a dream that I had recently.  When I woke up I took my journal, got my coffee and sat down in the sun room to write down the dream.  As I put pen to paper, it was as though the Holy Spirit walked into the room and the dream came out in the form of a poem.  This type of poem could take me days or weeks to write, but this time the whole thing came out complete and whole in about 15 - 30 minutes.  I love it when God shows up and does his thing!  Enjoy!

11:02 (Eleven O Two)

A demonstration of power is what they said; little did I know it was to be somebody’s head.

At 11:02 the town’s bell would toll, then the principality would come down and his plans would unfold.

Fear and mayhem was the name of his game, keep lives in bondage, may they feel all is vain

But it was that day that I walked through with the gospel to tell and the priest picked me for his God to kill.

The loss of my life was to be a demonstration of power when his god came down at the 11:02 hour.

What do I do?  What do I say?  Where do I go that I might get away?

There is no escaping, said the priest as he laughed, of this I’m sure at 11:02 you will be dead.

I began to run as I looked at my watch, realizing 11:02 was the very next notch.

My heart began to pound, there was pressure in my head, as the bell began to toll I felt a sense of dread.

That feeling increased as something came down, darkness thick under which the whole town was bound.

My light grew dim; my breathing slacked, before something in my spirit rose up to fight back.

“Jesus is Lord,” became my mantra, my cry and the darkness shrank under words that could not be denied.

“Jesus is Lord!” I yelled out loud again and again, though my heart continued to beat like this was the end.

"There is no power save his alone, because he paid the price to sit on the throne."

I grew in confidence and surety, as I spoke Jesus name and made my decree.

The priest's laughter was now totally gone, having never seen something like this go on

The darkness shrank each time I said the name, till it finally disappeared thus ending it’s game.

Fear and confusion from the town square were now gone, peace and joy came down with this new spiritual dawn.

I shared my message of good news and peace and for the first time the people’s eyes were opened to see.

They received truth in droves as quick as they could for they had seen their god’s power burn like wood.

The confrontation had not been fun, not easy at all, but for the first time at 11:02, no one did fall.

April 2011: Greater Tornadoes Coming

On Friday, April 29th, I had a dream that I felt was from the Lord and was concerning spiritual storms that we deal with as the body of Christ.  I’ve written out the dream and what I feel God is speaking through it. 

In the dream, while running down the street towards Wal-Mart, I looked up and saw that in all directions there were numerous tornadoes.  I stopped under a large highway overpass that would shield me if a tornado came my way and I took out a cell phone so that I could take pictures of them.  In so doing I began to notice very specific characteristics about these tornadoes.

I saw that the tornadoes behind me had already passed.  I saw that the tornadoes in front of me had not yet come and that they were giant, monster storms in that they were much larger than the tornadoes behind me. I realized I needed to no longer pay attention to the ones that had passed, but needed to focus my energies on determining the best course to deal with the ones that were coming. 

As I was standing under the highway overpass, I felt I was safe until a small, yet highly destructive tornado that was able to go under the highway overpass came my way.  In the dream I saw that this tornado was filled with and empowered by demons, I also saw that the tornado was called Jehovah’s Witness.  I began to pray and the tornado moved away from me.

Then the dream shifted and my grandfather was standing before me in his full naval military uniform.  I saw that he had fought and persevered through numerous wars, and had also participated in an award ceremony that bestowed authority on him.  This authority was pictured through a colored belt like a sash that had been fixed around his waist.  In the dream, I knew that there was still a price to be paid so that the benefit of the authority could be passed on to me and if this price could be paid, then I would have much greater spiritual authority to deal with the coming storms.  That was the dream.

 The following is what I feel God is saying through this dream…

We have each endured and persevered through large storms, there are however much larger storms ahead of us.  In the midst of these storms the Lord has provided us with a place of safety, a shield from the coming storms (the bridge).  I felt God was highlighting as the bridge of safety the scripture that says Jesus is himself our way, truth and life. (John 14:6)

I was personally perplexed as to the demonically empowered tornado called Jehovah’s Witness that entered into my place of safety, until I read the following clip from Rick Joyner’s book, “The Harvest.”

In many ways, religious activity has been substituted for obedience and the presence of the Lord.  Many of the good works being accomplished by the church today truly are good works—they are just not the works that we have been called to…It was Jonah’s rebellion that brought the storm on the heathen in the ship; the church’s rebellion and tendency to go the wrong way is the reason for many of the storms...

After reading this I felt the Holy Spirit quicken in me that the storm, the demonically empowered tornado that the enemy is sending into our space of safety is that of religious activity that God has not called us into.  Religious activity, while being “good works,” if it is apart from the personhood of Jesus himself, is sin and sin is empowered by the demonic.  This religious activity in effect creates a storm that moves us out from the place of safety we have in Jesus and exposes us to the damage of the greater storms that are coming. 

In real life, when my grandfather was alive, he had fought in numerous conflicts including World War II.  I felt the dream was reflecting on those wars my grandfather had persevered through as spiritual conflicts and I believe the belt in the dream symbolized a spiritual belt of truth that gives us authority over spiritual conflict.  I think that God desires to highlight to us that we cannot bring peace to spiritual storms by coasting on other peoples past successes.  While we are grateful for all that have gone before and for the freedoms that others have championed, we must personally be willing to pay the price necessary to have authority over spiritual conflict. 

I believe that God is saying that the time to prepare for this coming conflict is now.  We must be willing to pay the price by personally seeking God so that when the storms come we will then have the authority to be victorious through them.  Jesus spoke to the storm and it became still.  The measure that Christ is manifest in us is the measure that we will be able to speak to the coming storms and command them to be still.

If Christ were sitting here with us, the following is what I feel he would say concerning this dream…

Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  He who remains in me will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

I am teaching you to be aware of your environment, to see the storms of life even before they get here, but while seeing the storms that are coming, do not be afraid, for I am with you.  This is my mercy that you might pray and partner with me in averting what the enemy intends for evil.

Be aware of the storm of religious activity.  Its winds can unseat from my place of safety those who are not wary.  Instead of religious activity, renew the work you have done in the past by seeking me again.  Be baptized in my Spirit again. Those who seek me will find me when they seek me with their whole heart and I will then release a new mantle of authority, a new anointing, fresh with revelation that will position you to be more than over-comers in the midst of the storms that are ahead.  You are to be my mountain, established as chief over the other mountains that all might see and know that I am good.

Again, remain in me and I will remain in you.  He who remains in me will bear much fruit.  Apart from me, you can do nothing.

History is marked by great triumphs, usually the result of great battles in which men and women sacrificed and persevered to see righteousness reign.  We are entering into another of those times, which will go down in the annals of history and we are being given the opportunity to partner with Jesus to see his Kingdom come, his will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

November 2010: An Attack on the Release of Prophecy

I have recently had multiple dreams concerning a specific spiritual attack intended to heighten the perception that there is major abuse, misuse, or misrepresentation happening concerning the gift of prophecy in the context of the local church.  I also feel that God is speaking through the dreams that the enemy’s purpose of creating these negative perceptions is to create fear and mistrust with the hope that the response of leadership will be to curtail or limit the ways or forms in which prophecy can or should be released in the local body.

After praying about this issue for a period of time I feel God desires to give us a working definition of prophecy, to put us all on the same page concerning what we are talking about as well as highlight several particular open doors that the enemy could use to cultivate a negative mindset regarding prophecy.

Prophecy: A working definition
The word prophecy itself can potentially and unknowingly be a source of conflict and misunderstanding as it means many things to many different people.  For some, prophecy is simply a word in season, an encouragement spoken at the right time, or an exhortation to persevere through a particular trial.  For others, the idea of prophecy engenders pictures of declarations of judgment concerning the nations, visitations of angels to encourage, empower and protect; or dramatic open visions in which secrets of hidden places are revealed!
Although some of these examples sound extreme, none of these definitions are particularly wrong, although at one point in time or another, all of these descriptions of prophecy could be wrong!  How can this be?

Revelations 19:10 for the testimony of jesus is the spirt of prophecy
Here, John the Revelator is sharing out of a more dramatic experience of prophecy that he has received on the island of Patmos in which he had communication with angels, was taken up into the third heaven, even saw God himself speaking and moving in the earth.  Taking what he said in this passage and making it applicable to life today, we would have to say that practically, this Revelations passage of scripture is saying that Jesus testimony is prophecy; therefore prophecy is whatever Jesus wants to say to us, however he wants to say it. 

Therefore our working definition of prophecy is going to be, “Prophecy is whatever Jesus wants to say to us, however he wants to say it.”

With this working definition, we have laid the foundation to continue on regarding the open doors that the enemy wants to use to induce fear and mistrust concerning prophecy.

Door #1: A Lack of understanding concerning receiving prophecy.
A key door that leads to fear, mistrust and people being hurt by prophecy has to do with a lack of training or understanding concerning the receiving of prophecy from other individuals.  Those other individuals can be known or unknown, even leaders with proven reputations in the prophetic or revelatory gifts.

1 Corinthians 14:29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.

Here scripture says that we are to judge the words of even proven prophetic leaders in the Body of Christ.  If we are to judge the words spoken by men and women that are trusted, have proven track record and history, how much more should we not judge the words coming from those we don’t know, those who are learning and will make mistakes in both message and delivery?  Here is another scripture that follows the same vein of thought.

2 Peter 1:19  And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 

Words given by prophets, people with a proven track history in giving words should be as a light in a dark place, illuminating that which God desires to say to an individual or to a group.  That illumination is not the end of the experience however.  That illumination should be just a catalyst leading towards the Morning Star rising in your heart.  As the morning star is a prophetic picture of Jesus, (he is the bright and morning star) God’s ultimate goal is that the individuals relationship with and communication with Jesus would rise to ever greater and higher levels.

Ultimately, this means that it is up to the receiver of a word to determine for themselves if what has been given to them whether through an individual or from a corporate word is relevant or pertinent to them.  Does it cause the dawning of revelation of Jesus or increase in us the knowledge of what Jesus has to say to the receiver?  If an individual is struggling with a word that has been spoken to them, whether personally or corporately, there are two very healthy options that they can take concerning that word.

·         One option is to talk to several friends or people that they trust concerning that word.  Friends typically can be a safe place to air your concerns and bounce things off of. 

·         The second option is to simply, “put the word up on the shelf” and trust that if God desires to accomplish something through that word, we can trust that he is bigger than our ability to get off track and bigger than the enemies ability to deceive us.  He is good, and will do good to us and the knowledge of his character in that regard allows us to trust him to bring about his will.  If we are open, humble and walking with Jesus, he will see his plans come to fruition.

Door #2: Discerning what Jesus wants to say
Scripture says that Jesus did so many things while here on earth, that no amount of books in the world could contain them.  So when we hear of particular manifestations of the spirit communicating to and through individuals, that type of occurrences failure to exactly appear in scripture is not sufficient evidence to allow us to dictate an automatic dismissal of that event.

That being said, some individuals have an uncanny gift or ability to see what is happening in the spiritual realm concerning individuals, corporate groups, or even what God is doing over whole nations, the entire body of Christ or even the world.  The way in which God communicates these messages to individuals are just as wide and varied as the number of stars in the sky he created.

Just because an individual may discern what is happening in the spiritual realm concerning an individual or a group, does not mean that the communication of that knowledge is what Jesus has to say to the individual or the group at that point in time. 

Some words are more intended for the individual discerning those words to use as a catalyst in partnering with God bringing his will about here on earth as it is in heaven through intercession.  The role of intercession is a vital partnership role with God to see what he doing in the spiritual realm and calling it forth into the physical.  This role can often be lonely, as God is not showing everyone the same thing, but ultimately grows great levels of personal intimacy, character and integrity in the one God is using for this purpose.  As an individual learns to wait on the Lord in regards to sharing what he is shown, the Lord is able to entrust him with higher and higher levels of revelation.  Those who are faithful in little will be made rulers over much.

An Appropriate Response
So what do we do with words that are given us, whether from individuals or from a corporate setting that seems to be off?

Honor people, but give the opportunity of personal growth through correction of the word.  If the word was in a personal setting, then the correction should be personal.  If the word was from a corporate setting, then the correction should be corporate.  Those who are openly hostile, vicious, or intentionally harmful should obviously be restrained, but the majority of people are sincere and desiring to personally learn and grow in this gift that should be desired above all the gifts.

The appropriate response, in which words are bad or even malicious, is not the limiting of all people attempting to speak and grow in the spirit of prophecy.  Personal dealings with sin should be dealt with through the biblical model of talking to them individually, then with a witness, then before the church, but most mistakes concerning prophecy are usually a lack of experience, maturity or understanding concerning the administration of God’s heart.

Ultimately a great plumb line concerning discerning the prophetic gift is, no matter whom the vessel in the giving of a prophetic word is, we each have a responsibility to judge the word and we do this by determining, does it cause the dawning of the Morning Star, an increasing revelation of Jesus in our hearts?

New Year's Day 2008

The first picture was of a gumball machine that was square that symbolized us as a church.  I felt the Holy Spirit say that he wanted to change us to make us round.

 A friend has told me that a square gumball machine won’t work, because the gumballs will get jammed instead of flowing out smoothly. A round gumball machine however naturally funnels its contents out very smoothly. Later, while praying and asking the Lord what the change was that was needed to allow things to flow smoothly for us I felt God say that it was the development of the 5 fold ministry as is listed in Ephesians. However, I felt very strongly that God wanted to be very specific in that before the 5 fold ministry can be built, the foundation must first be laid. Ephesians 2:20 states that God’s house is…built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophet’s, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. I feel God wants to say to us that it is after the laying of the foundation of Apostles and Prophets, that the foundation is big enough and strong enough to support what God wants to release through the 5 fold ministry which builds up …the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (Eph 1:23).

Next I had a dream. In this dream it was dark outside, but the night was almost over and the day was almost here. I took a bottle of wine to pour myself a glass, but because the bottle was almost empty only a small amount of wine came out. Next I knew that my Mom was going to be there soon and we were going to be spending some time together.

I felt through the dream that God was saying that a new day is dawning for our church and that God desires to give us new structures (bottles) that will contain new moves of the Spirit (wine). I feel the mother symbolizes the vision that gave us birth and that God says that we can have new structures and new moves of the Spirit, yet still remain true to the vision that birthed us and has nurtured our growth.

Then I had a picture of a lady whose long hair was becoming shaggy. The Lord said he wanted to encourage us that a haircut helps to remove dead cells.

In general I think that we would feel averse to any cell group ending, but I felt that God’s heart was that it makes his bride, the church so much more beautiful and glorious when we take regular stock of our cells and in a sense get a haircut when things are getting shaggy. It helps to prevent split ends!

In the next dream our church was getting dancing lessons from an instructor who was an African American woman. She showed us all the first three steps of a very simple dance, which we all did together. Then she let out class early because there was a festival or a celebration that we were all invited to attend. Two dark (evil) men dressed in suits came in and began trying to convince the instructor and the rest of us that we did not want to go to the festival. I looked at my watch to see what day it was and the date was June 3rd. We each had to decide for ourselves if we were going to attend the festival or not.

The dream reminds me of the parable where a king invites all his friends to a wedding feast, but they are too busy to come. I feel God has something special planned sometime around June 3rd and is inviting us to celebrate with him. At the same time the enemy is actively engaged in trying to detract us from experiencing the joy God has for us. I also think that this year is going to bring the first steps of something new that God has for us in the realm of corporate worship.

The last picture was of a dark man that was wearing heavy gold chains and lots of jewelry. 

I felt God was saying that he wants to financially bless us this year by delivering us of financial bondage.

New Year's Day 2009

The following are the dreams, experiences I had on New Years Eve 2008, headed into 2009.

1. In the first dream my wife and I were sitting in a staff meeting at our church. At the back of the room a friend who has passed away raised her hand and said she would really like to know what the others on staff thought of a dream that she had. At that point the leader opened the floor for anybody on staff to discuss what they felt like God was saying through their dreams.

This woman’s dream when she was alive was simply to take care of the foster child that she adopted as her own. Through this dream God was sharing his heart that he desires us to partner with him in being a father or mother to orphans in tangible and practical ways. I also felt that in the days ahead God was encouraging us to pay attention as a community to the dreams he had placed on our hearts.

2. In another dream a lady I know was helping to care for an older man in our church who had recently lost his wife. I was travelling to visit them when I passed by a place where Oprah had hosted a meeting that left behind quite a lot of junk and dirt in the street.

I feel like God is saying that in the journey of the life of our church we are reaching an age in maturity where we are going to begin to see the need for practical ministry to some of our elderly members. I also felt God was saying that in our journey we need to be aware that secular, Oprah style “humanity” leaves a lot of junk behind.

3. I had a picture of a closed door and I saw crayon scrawls on the floor leading to it.

I felt God was saying that creativity may be messy in getting started, but it will lead us through new doors.

4. There was another dream where church leaders were having a discussion about providing a room for others to bring their laptops and have access to wireless internet. In this dream a youth leader walked in and said that the room that was to be used for the wireless internet was full of maintenance equipment and in order to make use of the room the maintenance equipment needed to be moved to another place.

Two prophetic friends have both mentioned to me that they felt like this dream had to do with being in tune to what God was saying and not being too busy to tune in.

5. In one clear picture I saw a room in our church that was called the writing room. The room was fully constructed, but had not yet been painted or decorated.

I felt God was saying that in the coming days we will have increasing influence in the body of Christ and in the world through writings that we will produce.

6. In one dream somebody in our church came up with some really weird rules about men and women’s relationships. The result of the rules was that somebody in the church was accused of relational misconduct.

After this dream I felt God spoke to me the scripture 1 Timothy 5:19. Do not entertain an accusation … unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.

7. In the last dream I woke up on New Year’s Day, but I had not had any dreams through the night.In that dream God spoke to me and said that a dream he had given me the night before was the word of the Lord for our church.

I felt through this dream God was saying that last year’s New Year’s dreams still apply.

a. God is continuing to raise up 5 fold ministry in the church.

b. We are continuing to build new structures that will be filled with new wine while still being true to the vision that birthed us

c. God may continue to give us a “haircut,” which would entail the removal of some things we have grown. This removal of growth will prevent future split ends.

d. God is continuing to take us through the first steps of a dance of new things in corporate worship.  At the same time we need to be aware the enemy is actively opposing our ability to enter into the joy God has for us

e. God wants to financially bless us and one of the ways he is doing that is by setting us free from financial bondage.

New Year's Day 2010

The following is a list of the dreams and visions that I experienced this New Year’s Eve 2009, heading in to 2010…

Warfare close to Home
In the first vision I had a picture of a man who was equipped with a bat in his gear on his back. I instinctively knew that the man was not aware of the bat or of the fact that it was a needed and important weapon at his disposal.

I feel that in some ways this picture symbolizes a need for awareness about personal, close contact warfare. I believe what I was seeing from the vision was that there is a temptation to believe that the enemy is not capable of hitting close to home and that somehow any conflict we experience at a very personal level must be the will of God. However, I feel strongly that God desires to tell us that he is for us and not against us and that he desires us to stand and fight these personal attacks. We are equipped as more than conquerors through Christ Jesus to deal with personal attacks.

God will fulfill his Promise
In the first dream, my wife and I were in a large house hosting a New Year’s Eve Party and one of our guests was a very wealthy, successful business man. In the dream I was excited about talking to this man about what he thought about my values and goals and if he thought they would help me accomplish the great things I believe God had in store for me. When I began asking him questions though, the wealthy business man just looked at me uncomfortably not knowing what to say. When a coworker walked up and began chatting with him about daily life they walked off together enjoying their conversation.

The dream then shut down and restarted all over from the beginning; except this time my house was smaller and much more luxurious, my wife and I were still hosting the New Year’s Eve Party and the wealthy business man was still there. This time instead of asking him what he thought of my values and goals I asked him how he was doing and about a ranch that I knew he had recently bought. Instantly he and several others began laughing and talking about how they had just come from that ranch and how much they loved it. Folks were laughing and having such a good time and an even wealthier newcomer I had never met showed up and began making toasts about all of the good things that were happening and that God had in store for us. I mentioned I had Champaign and everyone cheered and so with laughter I hurried to grab the bottles

In the first dream, I was consumed with my values, my goals, my ways of doing things, all that I might accomplish some great promise that I felt God had given me. In the second dream, I simply loved those that were in front of me for who they were and there was a correspondingly explosive release of joy and laughter. I feel God is saying so strongly to trust him to bring us into his promises; he will fulfill it!

I believe the first dream’s large house and the second dream’s smaller, more luxurious house is a clarion call to simplicity. I feel God desires to tell us that our lives should be less about quantity than they are about quality. Another way of saying it is that for this season, less is more.

I also felt that the Champaign itself was a spiritual picture of not allowing a religious mindset hold us back from all of the joy and celebration that God desires to give us. Toasts of good things are good, but toasts with Champaign are even better!

The Anointed Tool
A short time later I had a vision of waders, such as you would see used in duck hunting and they were covered and filled with the manifest presence of God.
I feel from this vision that God is saying that we are entering into a season in which he has anointed a particular tool with the power and presence of God. Just as duck season only lasts for a short season, I feel it is God’s desire to let us know that this tool will be anointed only for a season. Practically this means that when it becomes obvious what this tool is, we use it as often and as effectively as we can, but when the season is over, we must lay it down in order to move on to the next thing that God will have in store for us.

The Law is Love
Lastly I had an experience in which I was walking out of our church and found an injured deer laying on our steps.  It was as though I heard the words, “The simplicity of the gospel is love, not rules or ways of doing things.” I knew instantly that this injured deer had not received help because of restrictions relating to rules and the teaching of ways of doing things.

I feel God desires to renew within us his heart of love for those who have been injured in so many different ways in this life. The simplicity of the gospel is that we have good news for the hurting; God is love, our provider, our healer, our protector. We are each called to play a role in loving those that are on our doorsteps, those that we see every day. We are each individually the church and God can and will use us. 
In Summary
• We are more than conquerors and have been equipped to deal with close contact, personal warfare.
• Trust God to bring us into his promises and the destiny we are believing for, he will fulfill it!

• For this season, less is more. It’s about quality, not quantity.

• Don’t let a religious mindset hold us back from the joy and celebration God desires to give us.

• When it becomes obvious what the tool is that God has anointed in this season, use it to the max. However be willing to lay it down when this particular season is over so that we can move on to the next thing God has in store for us.

• Expect God to use you in the lives of the people that are on your doorstep, they need the good news of the gospel.