The following are the dreams, experiences I had on New Years Eve 2008, headed into 2009.
1. In the first dream my wife and I were sitting in a staff meeting at our church. At the back of the room a friend who has passed away raised her hand and said she would really like to know what the others on staff thought of a dream that she had. At that point the leader opened the floor for anybody on staff to discuss what they felt like God was saying through their dreams.
This woman’s dream when she was alive was simply to take care of the foster child that she adopted as her own. Through this dream God was sharing his heart that he desires us to partner with him in being a father or mother to orphans in tangible and practical ways. I also felt that in the days ahead God was encouraging us to pay attention as a community to the dreams he had placed on our hearts.
2. In another dream a lady I know was helping to care for an older man in our church who had recently lost his wife. I was travelling to visit them when I passed by a place where Oprah had hosted a meeting that left behind quite a lot of junk and dirt in the street.
I feel like God is saying that in the journey of the life of our church we are reaching an age in maturity where we are going to begin to see the need for practical ministry to some of our elderly members. I also felt God was saying that in our journey we need to be aware that secular, Oprah style “humanity” leaves a lot of junk behind.
3. I had a picture of a closed door and I saw crayon scrawls on the floor leading to it.
I felt God was saying that creativity may be messy in getting started, but it will lead us through new doors.
4. There was another dream where church leaders were having a discussion about providing a room for others to bring their laptops and have access to wireless internet. In this dream a youth leader walked in and said that the room that was to be used for the wireless internet was full of maintenance equipment and in order to make use of the room the maintenance equipment needed to be moved to another place.
Two prophetic friends have both mentioned to me that they felt like this dream had to do with being in tune to what God was saying and not being too busy to tune in.
5. In one clear picture I saw a room in our church that was called the writing room. The room was fully constructed, but had not yet been painted or decorated.
I felt God was saying that in the coming days we will have increasing influence in the body of Christ and in the world through writings that we will produce.
6. In one dream somebody in our church came up with some really weird rules about men and women’s relationships. The result of the rules was that somebody in the church was accused of relational misconduct.
After this dream I felt God spoke to me the scripture 1 Timothy 5:19. Do not entertain an accusation … unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.
7. In the last dream I woke up on New Year’s Day, but I had not had any dreams through the night.In that dream God spoke to me and said that a dream he had given me the night before was the word of the Lord for our church.
I felt through this dream God was saying that last year’s New Year’s dreams still apply.
a. God is continuing to raise up 5 fold ministry in the church.
b. We are continuing to build new structures that will be filled with new wine while still being true to the vision that birthed us
c. God may continue to give us a “haircut,” which would entail the removal of some things we have grown. This removal of growth will prevent future split ends.
d. God is continuing to take us through the first steps of a dance of new things in corporate worship. At the same time we need to be aware the enemy is actively opposing our ability to enter into the joy God has for us
e. God wants to financially bless us and one of the ways he is doing that is by setting us free from financial bondage.
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